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DocsForge is a free online platform that allows users to create, edit, and share documents collaboratively. The platform offers various features, including real-time editing, version control, and document sharing across multiple devices.
I built docsforge after noticing a pattern across the engineering teams I've worked: everyone hates writing documentation, but everyone suffers when it doesn't exist or becomes outdated. Then Product and Customer Support are left scrambling to catch up.
docsforge analyzes your React components to automatically generate customer-facing help documentation. It works by:
1. Analyzing components to understand props, state, handlers and relationships 2. Identifying user flows and interactions 3. Generating clear, non-technical docs in markdown format
The technical approach: - We parse JSX/TSX to extract component structure - Build component relationship graphs - Use Claude/AI to generate human-readable docs from those components - Allow customization based on audience and complexity needs
This is my first serious launch where I've spent lots of time in the discovery and validation phases (rather than building first!), and I'd appreciate any feedback or questions about my approach.
If you'd like to try it, use code HN35 for 35% off your document generations.
If this initial MVP launch goes well the next stages will include: - Connecting to your repo with an action to re-generate your help docs when new code is pushed to master - a custom domain, white labelled help docs site to host your generated docs - Full WYSIWYG editor + change tracking - Full teams + permissions framework
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